1. I am overprotective.
Some may call it a pseudo-pessimistic approach, but I am enduringly catching myself reasoning out worst case scenarios whenever my daughter is doing daily activities. These issues would be solved if the world would come qualified with self-deploying airbags on Everything. Since that advancement has yet to evolve, I am merely left with encompassing my exiguous one in an imaginary bodysuit of bubble wrap. It is only recently that I have been realizing that this exiguous girl is pretty tough and not nearly the uncoordinated ogre that her father is.
2. It is prominent to appreciate the exiguous things.
Children have this capability to teach without knowing - handing out reminders to us adults from the time they enter the world. I have long been guilty of letting these costly moments slip by unnoticed. Seeing a child's reaction to a passing butterfly or lying in the soft grass watching the clouds go by make the daily "problems" that we fret about seem trivial and insignificant. While bills must be paid and deadlines must be met, Seeing at life through your child's eyes can help balance the stress and anxiety our adult lives bring. Blow bubbles, catch fireflies or share an ice cream cone with your child. It will be a thrill for your exiguous one and also serve as a reminder of how uncomplicated life can be.
Baby Girls Bodysuits
3. Tube slides are not made for 280-pound men.
Consider this a warning to all of you active fathers out there. These tube slides that are so popular in playgrounds today are hazardous for you. Oh sure, they pose no problems for your child at all, but for the playful father who chases their child down one of these adult deathtraps - serious injury may occur. Why are there dissimilar sizes of these devilish concoctions without some kind of warning label? It is bad sufficient that you hit your head at the lowest of the tube. You also run the risk of getting your middle stuck so badly only the Jaws of Life can get you out. What is with that? Does the tube shrink on the way down? Don't even get me started about the static electricity. Is there entertainment value in getting zapped 20 times while a trip down the tube? Heed this warning and slide at your own risk.
4. Children see and hear everything.
The majority of parents would agree that this may be obvious. A uncomplicated slip of the tongue around your exiguous one can come back to haunt you days or weeks down the line, commonly at the most inopportune time. This also applies to the positive, as a child's mind is like a leech - moving facts and studying to apply it to daily life. From reinforcing rules like "no running in the house" or "no hitting" to simpler things like remembering their Abc's and the allowable hand motions to the "Itsy Bitsy Spider." Children want to learn and they look to us, as parents, to supply the allowable facts for them. It's a two-way street I have found, as we have fullness to learn from children as well.
5. Fatherhood builds up the neck muscles.
Our house likes to go Geocaching, which is basically a high-tech game of treasure hunting using Gps satellites. Many of these hunts wish hikes in the woods that could range everywhere from a quarter of a mile upwards to four miles or more. And while our exiguous one likes to do her share of hiking, she also has someone else popular place she likes to ride - on Daddy's shoulders. At first this indeed wasn't a problem, but as she gets older, the trails seem to get a exiguous longer and the knees start to hurt a exiguous more. Still, no matter how big she gets, as long as she wants to ride up there - I will do it as long as I can. They say if it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger. So when I am feeling like I should be as strong as the staggering Hulk, but hunched over Seeing like Quasimodo, I will smile, because I have loved every exiguous of it.
6. I am a wimp.
I wasn't all the time a wimp. At least, I never concept I was one. However, a few things over the past few years have made me turn my tune. First, watching my wife go through her allembracing labor and recovery from her C-section has left me in awe of her. Second, the fact that I cringe with every bump, tumble, trip, fall, scrape, crash and scratch and Julia bounces back. Third, the cracks of every bone in my body when I try to get up in the morning. Just a few days ago we filled her inflatable pool up with water from the covering spigot. Julia hopped in with no problem, splashing, playing and having a great time. Seeing as the climatic characteristic was in the 90's, I concept I could get in and cool off. Stepping one foot into the water left my face contorting into a mass of painful expression as the blood left my foot seeking warmer climates leaving a cold, numb stump. She must get her pain toleration from her mom because I now have an intense fear of inflatable pools.
7. The Wiggles could kick Barney's butt any day.
Looking over this match up of children's icons of the last two decades, one would think it would be a pretty even contest. Barney has the size advantage along with a pretty allembracing set of chompers on him. The Wiggles have the numbers game on their side and although they lack the size of Barney, they do have the quickness advantage. In the end however, I feel that with added aid from Captain Feathersword, Barney would be taken down by The Wiggle crew, only to be saved from positive doom by the coming of Dorothy the Dinosaur, who speedily ends the confrontation peacefully and serves Rosy Tea. Only Barney's tea is poisoned and...Ok, this is where I commonly wake up after dozing off with Julia in my lap watching Greg, Anthony, Murray and Jeff Wiggle do their thing every morning.
8. If there is a performance, you'd great watch...or else.
It doesn't matter if it's the last 10 seconds of the Super Bowl or the finale of American Idol, if your exiguous one takes this occasion to show off their new ballet dance, you had great give them your perfect attention. Many a dad has fallen victim to the television coma and has missed such fine performances only to face a disappointing look, waiting for your applause. To avoid this heartbreaking scene and to watch your child gleam with pride, pay attentiveness to them. The signs may be subtle: singing a song, playing with the piano or performing a dance are some ways to get your attentiveness without asking you for it. It's when you identify these and applaud their effort that you receive an immediate repaymen in the form of a smile, a hug or a kiss that makes paying that extra attentiveness well worth the effort.
9. I am one happening guy, if only in her eyes.
If you have ever walked through the mall carrying the pink duckie diaper bag, or if you are trying to look plane while buying that jumbo pack of Huggies, just comprehend one thing - it doesn't matter. All you indeed need to make you feel like the king of the world is a look, a smile, or a hug of appreciation from your exiguous one. I am the big daddy Dj, spinning the tunes in our car while Julia is in the back just singing her heart out. Honestly, there is just something about driving through the 'hood with the windows down while the Cd player is blaring out Laurie Berkner's "We Are The Dinosaurs" or Raffi's "Baby Beluga" that just screams cool. Add some prescribe sunglasses and you are smokin'...no matter how many citizen are laughing at you.
10. The Mom is The Bomb.
Having to work out of town 3-4 days a week and being away from my house has made me comprehend how qualified the Mom is. She spends every waking occasion with our exiguous one, cleaning, teaching and developing her while I am away. Then she lets me come home and milk up the playtime while I am there. Hard working and sometimes underappreciated, the Mom can do things us fathers could never fathom - childbirth anyone? So the next time the Mom asks you to turn a diaper or bathe your exiguous one while you are distracted with other prominent things like the World Series of Poker Championships on Tv, comprehend where you would be without the Mom. Go ahead, I'll wait. Scary stuff, isn't it?
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